Con la importancia actual que tienen las tecnologías en la vida cotidiana en general, y en la de la hermandad en particular, hemos creido que era la hora de tener una web que funcionara como espejo también de nuestra modernidad.
Controls the main color scheme throughout the theme. Select a scheme and all the color options will change to the defined selection. Click the Save button to save your own current custom color scheme. Click the Import button to import a custom scheme. To delete or export a scheme, you must first have a custom scheme saved.
Controls the main color scheme throughout the theme. Select a scheme and all the color options will change to the defined selection. Click the Save button to save your own current custom color scheme. Click the Import button to import a custom scheme. To delete or export a scheme, you must first have a custom scheme saved.
Controls the main color scheme throughout the theme. Select a scheme and all the color options will change to the defined selection. Click the Save button to save your own current custom color scheme. Click the Import button to import a custom scheme. To delete or export a scheme, you must first have a custom scheme saved.
Controls the main color scheme throughout the theme. Select a scheme and all the color options will change to the defined selection. Click the Save button to save your own current custom color scheme. Click the Import button to import a custom scheme. To delete or export a scheme, you must first have a custom scheme saved.